What is it About Sugar Sugar™?
Through Ten Years of Work, Trial, Effort and Analytics We've made Sugar Sugar a Sugar Waxing Money Maker that Clients LOVE.
Ensure Your Success by Proving Unique Worth

by Aimee Blake
Most women of my generation were taught to keep your head down. Don't be a problem. Don't be too unique or you'll look like a weirdo or a “difficult woman”. I was very very lucky. My mother was a different. She told me to never be afraid - to stand out and to be proud of doing so. Stand up straight and let them know you'll do it again.
With rising inflation uncertainty from the pandemic, it's important to stand out and be unique in with your service offerings. When the economy is uncertain, one of the first things people do is become more discriminating about who and what they buy. Restaurants become “treats” and every day necessity purchases become more scrutinized than ever. Every industry deals with larger shrinkage during these times.
So if you are in beauty and you recognize this; what do you do? The best thing we can do is to understand the consumer habits as they pertain to specific goings-on in the economy. We provide a unique service that cannot be obtained everywhere. Our products and services are proprietary and only available through OUR business. Our clients typically find us as a destination and travel for what they see as cleaner services and a “better culture.”
It's always easier to use someone else's products. We've done it ourselves. They put you on their website as a way to buy and they're typically reliable, at least for a while. But from these businesses perspective, it's to their advantage to proliferate their brand having it in as many businesses as possible. That would water down your company and make you just of the face in the crowd.
So whatever it is that you do, do it uniquely. Don't be afraid to stand out. Don't be afraid to fail. You can't be afraid to fail and start or grow a business. It doesn't work that way. We've built our company destinations at every turn. To learn more about it click here: https://www.mysugarsugar.com/leadershipandvision/