What is it About Sugar Sugar™?
Through Ten Years of Work, Trial, Effort and Analytics We've made Sugar Sugar a Sugar Waxing Money Maker that Clients LOVE.
IFA's 10 Steps To Franchising Success as they Pertain to Sugar Waxing.

-by William Johner
Accourding to the IFA (International Franchise Association the following steps should be done to ensure a successful franchise. You can find out what each of these points means in regards to any business at this link: https://www.franchise.org/faqs/how-do-i-make-my-franchise-successful.
But since this is such a great article I wanted to write about how each of these would impact your sugar waxing franchise if you were to be awarded Sugar Sugar™.
Make sure you have enough money. There's nothing that's going to feel more quickly than an underfunded spa franchise. We want all of our franchises to succeed. We are not in a race to the first 100 licenses. We are in a race for the first 20 successful franchises. Be sure to not be pressured into buying something you can't afford. Think clearly and with your best interests. Don't be swayed by emotion.
Follow the system.
We have been doing what we do for almost 10 years. Within that time we've gone to so many refinements and improved our system substantially. We are very confident in how our Sugaring franchise spa concept works and how it will work for you.
Don't neglect your family and friends.
We have built Sugar Sugar to excel in a semi-passive franchise ownership environment. This allows you time to spend with your family. Yes, running a business can be challenging at times. Even in the spa industry. But organization and preparedness have been keys to allowing us the time we need for ourselves.
Be an enthusiastic franchisee.
Your enthusiasm at everything in life will directly reflect your level of success within that endeavor. Business is the same. Show your Sugar Sugar clients your excitement and they will stay with you forever. And we mean forever!
Recruit the best and treat them with respect.
Sugar Sugar was built as a business by good people for good people. Lowballing our staff has never and will never be a priority. We are typically on the higher end for wages and allow staff a first or second choice with their schedules. These are things that allow us longer staff tenure and provide better return.
too be continued...