What is it About Sugar Sugar™?
Through Ten Years of Work, Trial, Effort and Analytics We've made Sugar Sugar a Sugar Waxing Money Maker that Clients LOVE.
Keeping Good Company, Makes...a Good Company

-by Aimee Blake
It's been said to “choose carefully the company you keep.” This is obviously important with friends and family but is also relevant in beauty franchises. Where you put your franchise business will mean everything. Not just in how your business does, but also in how it's VIEWED and perceived by prospective consumers.
Our locations typically are in good complexes. Think target, Nordstrom rack, Whole Foods, Sprouts, etc. While the complex anchors are important, so too is your “customer funnel”. We'll talk about that another time.
Great location will keep your franchise top of mind for a prospective clients. But putting it in the right location will provide you additional revenue from people who recommend your waxing franchise. Some of these folks won't have even visited you. But they will judge you on your neighbors!
We use one of the largest real estate firms in the country. They work specifically with Massage Envy, and The Joint, among others. They offer a four step plan to find you a location you need to succeed at a Sugar Sugar.
Learn more about those steps here: https://www.mysugarsugar.com/leadershipandvision/#spot