What is it About Sugar Sugar™?
Through Ten Years of Work, Trial, Effort and Analytics We've made Sugar Sugar a Sugar Waxing Money Maker that Clients LOVE.
Your Clients Want a Natural, Golden Spray Tan

The term “spray tan” gets a bad rap. Often, it’s associated with an unnatural orangey color, unpleasant odor, and tendency to flake off. Your customers are in search of the perfect spray tan and as a Sugar Sugar™ franchisee, you have the power to give it to them.
You can read all about our quest to offer the perfect natural and organic spray tan in our three-part blog series “The Tan That Changed the Game”. Throughout that series of blogs, we lay out the journey of how we went from being asked about spray tans all the time to offering an organic spray tan.
Leading up to that journey we recognized that our clients didn’t just want spray tans. They needed better spray tans. It took time, effort, research—not to mention being hung up on by multiple chemists—but we finally got it right.
Say hello to the Sugar Sugar™ proprietary, award-winning airbrush spray tan!
When your clients are sugared correctly, they can not only get a spray tan immediately after, but the exfoliated skin provides them with an even better outcome. The result is a natural-looking, golden tan that fades gradually with no flaking or freckling.
Not only are spray tans good for your business due to the demand. They also tend to book on a more last-minute basis. So, the day before or even the day of, your open appointments are going to get booked.
We proudly raise the bar on what spa franchise opportunities are made of. Visit our website to learn more about what you can offer your clients as the owner of your own Sugar Sugar™ franchise.